Keynote Concerts

Let us inspire and entertain you!

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We’d Love To Write YOUR Song!

Give the gift that they’ll never forget when you commission an original song for your loved one, a special event, or your favorite organization!

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Keynote Presentations

We combine speaking with original live music to deliver inspirational and entertaining “Keynote Concerts.”

Bring us to you!

Ordinary Life

Our latest album celebrating the beauty of this amazing, heartbreaking, soul-healing ordinary life…

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Consummate Professionals!

We were blown away by Karen and Stowe’s keynote presentation. Their message and delivery were on-target and truly the best I’ve ever seen in over 15 years of booking keynoters!

~Katrina Smith, CMP, Director of Events – Home Care Association of Colorado


StoweGood In Concert

“There wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t touched.”

-Shirley Holt


Loving. Amazing. Inspiring. Healing. Magical. Gifted. Open Hearted.

~ Jack Fowler, New Orleans, LA


1 + 1 = 1000!

~ Michael Gott, Houston, TX


“Uplifting, inspiring, funny and emotional. Sometimes in business we neglect the human aspect—You helped us to connect with one another and ourselves.”

~ Christopher P. Gilliam – Commercial Banker, U.S. Bank

Love Lives On CD

I haven’t taken your cd out of my player since I got it. Loving it so much!

~ L. Ramirez